Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Student Loans

I know this is completely off topic for what our blog is about, but really it isn't because it is something that Chris and I will be discussing a lot once we are married. My lovely student loans. To be honest, I despise them with a passion.  Do I regret getting my education by all means no! I love that I have a degree and I have a job that I am slowly climbing to positions that will be full-time so I can repay my student loans, but until then I get to keep filling out forbearance requests and talking to many many lovely people about how I am only budget to work 1560 hours a year which is basically 30 hours a week. I know not a lot but I'm lucky and fortunate to have a job right now.

It is funny that you feel that you are on track with everything and then all of a sudden you get smacked in the face with new information or another bill or problem. 

Looking on the bright side, my mom, my sister, who will also be my matron of honor and my 5 year old niece will be going dress shopping/looking with me this weekend. See always something good. :)



  1. It will be the same with car repairs and medical bills. They always seem to pop up when you have some extra money in your account.

    As for the student loans, when I had a little less than $500 left, I got a note that said they were forgiving the rest. In the end, the amount of interest was less than $500, so it was like getting an interest free loan. Just keep paying and try to pay it off as soon as possible, even if the interest rate is low. Good luck. :)

    1. Yeah I just keep plugging along with one of them. I won't go into too much detail about stupid Keybank and their awesomeness on losing tax documents and other information that has all of my identity on them.
      I figure once I am able to get a full time position then I can look into consolidating. Because if I decide to get my masters degree, I will be saving up and paying cash for that one.
