Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Customized dresses to order?

I know what you are thinking, how can you customize a dress online, I know it's not crazy talk but seriously this website that I came across while finding a dress pattern amazed me.  Customized dresses The cool part about this website is you can take a dress, pick your size, then put in your height, and you can choose what type of sleeve you want on most, the length and the neckline. How cool is that? Even with the skirts, you can choose the length and the separate tops you can choose the neck line, length of the top, sleeves it is pretty awesome. No I am not getting paid to tell you about this website but I just had to share it. I so want to order something, if I had the money.

check it out, you will be amazed.

1 comment:

  1. Really dresses was so nice to see and looks different to see.Thanks for sharing the information.
    Vintage lace dresses
