Ever have those periods of time where you are working towards a certain goal and when you finally see that goal in sight and you're doing all that you can to reach it, then when it is within your grasp it goes away. I had one of those moments last week. A position opened up to be an office manager, I know not really my ideal job but it is more than a foot in the door, I'm in the lobby with it. I had great letters of recommendation from the people who have trained me and let me do what I do best, be efficient and make everyone else look bad while doing it. Also I have over 5 years experience with everything they were looking for in the position. I practically do the job right now but for less pay and no recognition. So to say I was shocked to get the rejection e-mail after being one of the first picks for interviews as well as being recommended by many many higher ups. I was hurt and I cried a little, just a little. Then I find out on Friday that the position and place I wanted, the place that was going to make all of mine and Chris' married life bliss a little more blissful, gave the job to a swim coach. A SWIM COACH!!!!!! Not just any swim coach. One that has had no previous experience running an office, counting money or dealing with half of the program we use to make everything run. I've worked with him before, he was lazy and had to be babysat 24/7 whenever he was on the job and he flirted with the front desk staff. The staff that he is now in charge of.
I know it's water under the bridge but come on people. A swim coach, really? really?
Due to the stressfulness of interviews over the past few weeks I've been absent and I'm sorry to those who do read my blog and are interested in what I have to say. Or just to make fun of my funny grammar and/or the new words I like to come up with.
Thank you again for reading
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