Let me start off by saying 'Yes I love Girl Scout Cookies'. However I do have to say that I am very glad that my mom did not purchase any cookies this year. I sold them for 7 years, yes I am old and when I was in GS only Jr's and up could sell them but I was the cute little sister and so I was dragged along by my older sisters to help them peddle their cookies.
Once I was a Junior Girl Scout I did one year get the honor of achieving 3rd Highest Cookie Seller in the State. It was supposed to be 2nd but my mom gave 50 of my boxes that I sold to another girl in our troop who ended up getting 2nd place. No, still not bitter about it or anything.
Anywho the purpose of this little rant, post whatever you wish to call it is this. I refuse to buy Girl Scout Cookies from people who I never see the Girl Scout. On one of the boards at my work a lady had an order form pinned to the wall in the kitchen area. Now yes I did go to my aunts and uncles work places and take around an order form. That way they initially saw it then my relative would have the order form on their desk so people could order as they needed until it came time for me to collect the order forms. Then I spend hours going around my neighborhood with a partner in my troop and we hit every single house. I was determined to get the most cookies. Yes we did deliver all of the said cookies in about 2 weeks time of us picking them up from the drop off locations. So I didn't buy cookies from this lady. We work at a rec center why didn't she bring her girls in so people could see who they were? I know I'm weird and I like to know who I'm purchasing something from.
Call me harsh but I feel I am only asking a little bit from a fundraiser that is supposed to help the girl attend her camps. If she wants those credits that badly she will do what she can to get them.
And yes my girls will be in Girl Scouts and they will like it. :D
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